Vehicle Engineering & Design | KPIT’s New-age Solutions

While the entire Engineering industry is getting disrupted by the new Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Connected architectures, the implications on mechanical engineering are diverse. Classical mechanical engineering & design services such as Value Engineering, CAD, CAE simulation and mechatronics need to be looked through a new lens. On one hand, classical mechanical components are becoming intelligent and connected, while on the other hand, new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin and Automation are being leveraged to enhance classical offerings in mechanical engineering.


Our offerings are designed to cover the entire development cycle of a vehicle engineering & design production program

New-age Solutions

Accelerated product design & development using KPIT’s New-age Solutions

AUTOSAR | Integrated Electrification Solutions

Integrated Electrification Solutions

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AUTOSAR | Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE)

Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE)

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AI Driven CAE

AUTOSAR | Digital Twin

Digital Twin

AUTOSAR | Smart Harness

Smart Harness

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Classical Mechanical Services

We help you to validate your concepts and validate them into real products. Our fundamental focus on designing includes the aesthetics & functionality of the product. Our product development team has developed world-class products for our customers that comprises rigorous research, design study, detail engineering, prototyping, and testing

AUTOSAR | New Product Design & Development

New Product Design & Development

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AUTOSAR | Value Engineering

Value Engineering

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AUTOSAR | Virtual Validation

Virtual Validation

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AUTOSAR | ECU Packaging

ECU Packaging


KPIT focuses on developing packaging solutions for ECUs with consideration of space, safety, functionality, regulations, interconnects and heat dissipation

AUTOSAR | Industrial Process Automation

Industrial Process Automation

AUTOSAR | Robotics


AUTOSAR | RADAR/LIDAR/Sensor Packaging for Autonomous Driving

RADAR/LIDAR/Sensor Packaging for Autonomous Driving

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Work Impact

Some of our flagship case studies done for our clients


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