1101 1101 Personen haben sich diese Veranstaltung angesehen.

Dear Sir or Madam,

We would be glad to meet you at our booth and present how we
can help you to make Your Validation Strategy SDV-ready!

Validation is getting impacted due to the new SDV Architecture.

Number of Test Cases will Increase by 3x

Growth of Virtual Testing

Architecture & Network Testing to be integrated with Multi-Domain Testing

Tech Showcase at ELIV – Making your Validation Strategy SDV Ready!

Integrated Test coverage Across

E/E Architecture | Network | Platform | Domains | Vehicle

Seamless Orchestration of tools, infrastructure (virtual, physical, & cloud)

Integrated Strategy from CI/CD to Virtual to Physical Validation

Early roadmap for program-level implementation

KPIT, the largest independent software integration partner

, provides architecture consulting, domain development, migration, integration and validation services across CASE.

Contact us today and request an appointment
with our experts at our booth.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Für weitere Informationen oder zur Vereinbarung eines Treffens wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Frau Stefanie Köhler, Marketing, KPIT
stefanie.koehler @ kpit.com

+49 170 2345780

Über KPIT Global

KPIT Technologies is a global partner to the automotive and mobility ecosystem for making software-defined vehicles a reality. It is a leading independent software development and integration partner helping mobility leapfrog towards a clean, smart, and safe future. With 11000+ automobelievers across the globe specializing in embedded software, AI, and digital solutions, KPIT accelerates its clients’ implementation of next-generation technologies for the future mobility roadmap. With engineering centers in Europe, Brazil, the USA, Japan, China, Thailand, and India, KPIT works with leaders in automotive and mobility and is present where the ecosystem is transforming.


Über KPIT Europe

KPIT Technologies GMBH is a subsidiary of KPIT Technologies in Europe. KPIT GmbH is headquartered in Munich and strategically setup to drive new technologies and innovations from Germany. The centers of excellence across Munich, Wolfsburg, Dortmund, Gothenburg/ Sweden and Coventry/UK look at local adoption of our best practices around the globe. With a diverse team comprising of 25+ nationalities, KPIT is a strategic partner of choice to Leading OEMs and Tier 1s in Europe.


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Datum (und Uhrzeit

Mittwoch, 18 Oktober, 2023 @ 08:30 AM Zu
Donnerstag, 19 Oktober, 2023 @ 06:30 PM


Online event

Mit Freunden teilen

Einen Termin vereinbaren


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